Ranking Tables

The Girevoy Sport Union’s ranking system is based on that of the IUKL with the addition of lighter and intermediate bell weights to allow for steady progression through the ranks.  The list of athletes currently ranked by GSU can be found here: Ranked Athletes

Members can attempt to rank in our four main National competitions (The GSU Irish, English, Scottish and Welsh Championships) and additionally at the GSU British Championships. Rank applications will be opened up after one of these competitions for 14 days, in this time the lifter can submit their videoed set and application for verification. Requirements for the video can be found here: Ranking application

The ranks of Master of Sport and Master of Sport International Class can only be achieved in international competition (e.g. World or European Championships) and again sets must be on video. Outside of International competition if MS or MSIC level is achieved in one of the five eligible GSU ranking competitions the lifter can apply for a certificate for “ranks equivalent to” MS/MSIC.

NB. to be awarded rank under GSU the lifter must be a member.

Ranking Tables






Tables can be downloaded in pdf format here: GSU Ranking Tables

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